Friday, November 6, 2009

New Bubbie

Bubbie’s Blog

I am a new bubbie.  Well, I am too young to be a bubbie, but I am a new grandmother. I actually feel too young to be a grand mother.  Grandparents are old.  I am 57.  To a 15 year old I am ancient.  But to me, I am not old.  Nevertheless, I am now a grandmother.  Everyone says this is the best thing.  Being able to see your next generation, to play with the baby and dote on the baby and not to have to take care of the baby.  I don’t mind taking care of the baby, in fact I love it.  But it is nice to go home and sleep without someone waking me up in the middle of the night.  I do that enough myself.

The other day I was with my granddaughter.  She is adorable, of course, and smart, of course, and she smiles already at 3 weeks.  I know most people say that is not possible, but I saw her.  She did not smile at me.  She smiled at the dancing monkey.  Some would say she can’t really see, but she was definitely looking at the monkey and smiled when he sang and danced.  (It was actually me singing and moving the monkey.)

She has a great attention span.  She loves music. If she is crying, just introduce a new sound and she will stop and attend to it for a long time 5 – 10 minutes.  She loves the sound of running water, jazz, classical music and the crinkly stuff on her activity mat.  She also likes to listen to the sound of the leaves crunching.   I took her for a walk and there were lots of leaves on the sidewalk.  She was up and looking and listening, you can tell when she is listening cuz she has a thoughtful look on her face  (a little scrunching of her brow and slight turn of her head towards the sound) for a full hour.  AMAZING!  Then she got tired and bored and hungry and started to cry so I had to jog her home so she could nurse.  Then I left.  Can’t wait until the next time I am with her.